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"AT Logo"

AllenT was the first physical realization of my designs. In 2019, I began researching color psychology and was enamored with the idea of P-618 or "Baker-Miller Pink". The concept that colors and their orientation could leave a tangible effect on a consumer seemed to illustrate some organization within my perception of color.
This research led me to create multiple designs under the umbrella of "AllenT", each representing elements from my personal life along with graphic design trends I was fond of at the time. 
From "AT Psyche" to "R.I.P. Kinda Dead", these pieces initiated many of the themes that I would find myself carrying throughout my future illustrations along with my passion for creating physical artwork - in this case, clothing.
The work created in AllenT was featured on multiple podcasts and sold across the United States.
R.I.P. Kinda Dead Advertisement
R.I.P. Kinda Dead Advertisement
HELP! Hoodie Advertisement
HELP! Hoodie Advertisement
AT Psych Advertisement
AT Psych Advertisement
Early Promotional Concept with AT Cinerama
Early Promotional Concept with AT Cinerama
AllenT Summer release early concept art
AllenT Summer release early concept art
AllenT Summer Advertisement A
AllenT Summer Advertisement A
AllenT Summer Advertisement B
AllenT Summer Advertisement B
R.I.P. Kinda Dead Advertisement
R.I.P. Kinda Dead Advertisement

"AllenT Logo redesign and color study"

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